From STEP file to 3D video - this is how it works

From STEP file to 3D video - this is how it works

Many companies (especially in the industrial and technical sectors) own CAD data from their products - but do not use it for marketing. We'll show you how it can work! Create a 3D animated product video in just a few steps.

Step 1: Choose the right 3D program

The first step on the way to an impressive 3D product video is choosing the right 3D animation software. There are numerous software solutions on the market, including Blender, Autodesk Maya, and Cinema 4D.

We clearly recommend the program Blender. Why? Blender is free and supports all common 3D export formats. There are also numerous tutorials on YouTube that are of great help for beginners.

As a start, we recommend the famous Donut tutorial series of Blender Guru.

Step 2: Export, Import, and File Formats

The second step is extremely important: Exporting the 3D model from the CAD program and importing it into the 3D animation software. Depending on which programs are used, there are different file formats.

We recommend: Test, test and test again. See how the models are received in the animation software. Even when exporting, there are often different options to choose from - it is important that you understand what they do.

If your product consists of several individual parts and you want to highlight each part individually, then you should export it accordingly as grouped individual parts - and not as an entire 3D model.

Step 3: Prepare the CAD model

After the CAD data has been successfully imported, the preparation of the model begins. This sometimes includes cleaning up and optimizing the geometry to ensure better performance.

Materials and textures should also be assigned to make the model look realistic. The correct preparation of the model is decisive for the quality of the subsequent 3D video.

Test the effect of the materials even under various effects of light.

Step 4: Storyboard and idea of the 3D video

A well-thought-out storyboard is at the heart of every successful animation. Here you define the scene sequence and the central message of your 3D video. Consider which features of your product should be particularly emphasized and how you can best visualize them.

A detailed storyboard helps you not to lose the common thread and ensures that all important aspects are covered. It serves as a roadmap for subsequent production and gives everyone involved a clear idea of the end product.

Step 5:3D animation and video production

The last step is the actual 3D animation and production of the 3D video. This is where it is important to get the previously created models and the storyboard moving.

Make sure that the 3D animation is smooth and that the product is presented in the best light. The animation is followed by post-production, in which effects, music and possibly voiceovers are added. This rounds off the 3D video and makes it an effective marketing tool.

Here's a tutorial from us where you'll learn how to create an explosion effect:


With these steps, you can transform your existing CAD data into impressive 3D product videos that enrich your marketing strategy. 3D animations offer the opportunity to visualize complex products and processes in an understandable and appealing way, which is a great advantage, particularly in industry and technology. Take advantage of this opportunity to present your products in an innovative way and set yourself apart from the competition.


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